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Made in Germany

Gluing and cutting takes place in our workshop in Germany (Trier). Our precise cutting machine is also used here. A heart of our workshop.

Our felt

We use natural felt made from Merino wool. Wool felt is robust, durable and self-cleaning. The wool for our felt comes mainly from Merino sheep in New Zealand. Mulesing is banned in New Zealand. The felt textile itself is produced in Germany. Felting itself hardly deviates from the traditional manufacturing process to this day.

Filz aus Merinowolle

Our cork

Our cork comes from Portugal and is sustainably grown. The production of cork fabric, cork mats and cork boards also takes place in Portugal or the Netherlands. Cork is a very sustainable material because the tree does not die, but is only “harvested” every few years. This takes place under fair conditions and good wages. Cork harvesting is a very traditional profession in Portugal.

Support our vision of stylish sustainability

We, that is Manuela Kluge and Bogdan Ses

want you to be able to protect and enjoy what is important to you. For this we use our inventiveness and our attention to detail. We act sustainably and combine a good conscience with beautiful and stylish designs.

Support our vision of stylish and fair sustainability.

Simply smuk!